In 2003 SSoIH created some hobo signs for the modern world. We never did anything with them but are including them here for anyone who might be interested.

Good place for hitchhiking

Used to indicate an area where rides are probable

Good place for hitchhiking

Free Wi-Fi Available

Indicates free Wi-Fi access point in the area.


Free WiFi Available

Wi-Fi available with a purchase

Indicates that Wi-Fi is available with a purchase such as food or drink.

WiFi Password

Receipts with passwords can usually be found in trashcans.

Wi-Fi with purchase

Good Drinking Water

Indicates that the source of water nearby is good for drinking.

Good Drinking Water

Bad Drinking Water

Indicates that the source of water nearyby is not good for drinking.

Bad Drinking Water

Garden Hose Available

Indicates that there is a garden hose nearby for washing clothes, bathing, drinking (if there is no X next to it) etc.

Garden Hose Available

Good place to sleep (to the right)

Indicates there is a good place to sleep in the direction of the sleepers feet (opposite of the head - to the right).

Good place to sleep

Good place to sleep (to the left)

Indicates there is a good place to sleep in the direction of the sleepers feet (opposite of the head - to the left).

Good place to sleep

Good place to sleep here

Indicates this is a good place to sleep - in this case X marks the spot.

Good place to sleep here

Good place for a bath

This indicates that the water source nearby is a good place for a bath. This could include any water source such as a lake, river, pool, hot tub, etc.

Good place for a bath

Shower available here

This indicates a shower is available. Such as at the beach, truck stops, camping areas, etc. If a ¢ is next to the symbol, it indicates this is a pay shower.

Shower Available

Good place to wash your clothes

Indicates that this is a good place to wash your clothes. Could be a lake or river or even a laundromat. If a ¢ is next to the symbol, it indicates this is a pay machine or service.

Good place to wash clothes

Power Outlet Available

Incidates that there is a nearby power outlet avalable.

The lightning bolt can be used inplace of the power outlet for a little more stealth.

Power Outlet available herePower available

Power Outlet Available

Incidates that there is a power outlet avalable with purchase such as at a cafe or restaurant.

The lightning bolt with the ¢ can be used inplace of the power outlet for a little more stealth.

Power available with purchasePower available with purchase

Power Outlet available with purchase

Incidates that there is a power outlet avalable with purchase such as at a cafe or restaurant.

Power outlet available with purchase

Go This Direction

Used to indicate the path of travel (In the direction of the arrow)

Go this direction

This Direction

This indicated a direction of travel, the method of travel and the destination or direction of the next city.

The letter on top indicates the method of travel. T=Train or transit, B=Bus, H=Hitchhike or hike, S=Semi Truck.

The word on the bottom indicates the destination or the next city.

This direction

Toilet Available Here

Indicates that a toilet is available here.


Toilet Availble - Code locked door

Some toilets are behind locked doors for customers. Look for the above toilet symbol on a flyer or nearby bulletin board, on the back of that flyer you will find the code to the bathroom.

Toilet Code

Toilet Code

Toilet Available and Power Available

Indicated that there is a power outlet available in the bathroom. The symbol with the lightning bolt can also be used for a little more stealth.

Toilet and power availableToilet and power available

Socket available for power adapter

Many Hobos are carrying socket adapters to get power while out on the road. Basically you unscew a lightbulb and screw in the power adapter and then charge your equipment. There are a couple of different kinds. One turns the socket into a power outlet the other adds a power outlet and allows the bulb to be screwed back in for light in a single socket environment.

Power Socket Adapters

Socket for adapter avialableSocket available

Use Stealth in the area

Don't be obvious about your actions, blend in.

Use Stealth

Food available here after hours

This place gives out leftovers at closing time.

Free Food

Soap available here

There is handwashing soap avialable here or a hand washing station available here.

Soap available

Good Dumpster Here

Good dumpster finds here indicated by the pile of gold on the symbol.

Good Dumpster Here

Poor Dumpster Finds here

Indicates that the dumpster here isn't worth looking in.

Bad Dumpster finds here